About Elemental Studios


Casey Campbell, the founder of Elemental Studios took his first ceramics class at the University of Oregon Craft Center in Eugene, OR. “I was feeling a lot of stress from school and wanted to engage in something creative and different. As frustrating as it could be in the beginning, I was immediately enamored with the clay work itself. What I didn’t expect was the engaging and supportive community I became a part of, and how soothing it was to work with clay. Two things stand out to me about every studio I’ve worked in since. The therapeutic qualities inherent in clay work, and the loving and supportive community that develops in classes and in the studio as a whole.” At Elemental Studios we strive to build a supportive community of people interested in clay, community, and self care.


Elemental Studios is a community art and craft studio which offers classes, workshops, and monthly memberships grounded in wellness education and practice.  Our mission is to help build community around arts education and wellness principles and practices.  We work to help people engage creatively and develop self-care practices they can use in and out of the studio.


We envision a world in which everyone has the knowledge, skills and desire to live healthy and fulfilling lives.  We believe this is possible if we each focus on our own individual health and wellness, and if we come together, forming small and large communities to help each other and the world.  


  • Continue building robust and engaging workshops and classes infused with wellness education and practice.  

  • Develop classes and workshops that healthcare and other professionals can use towards continuing education licensure requirements.

  • Develop after school programs to help nurture creativity and wellness in kids.  


Community - Creativity - Wellness - Social Justice - Diversity - Equity - Inclusion