Teens Make a Scene:Intro to Stop-Motion Animation

Dive into the world of stop-motion animation with our immersive five day workshop, Teens Make a Scene! Designed for ages 12 to 17, this course will help teens develop the skills and techniques needed to bring their imaginations to life through the magic of animation.

JuLy 15,16,17,17,& 19

2:00 to 5:00 PM

August 19,20,21,22,& 23

2:00 to 5:00 PM


Intro to Pottery Wheel:
teen Wheel
(ages 12-17)

Enjoy a two hour workshop on the basics of throwing on a pottery wheel and mindfulness practice in this workshop.

Intro to handbuilding
for teens
(ages 12-17)

In this two-hour session, participants will immerse themselves in the art of handbuilt pottery, learning basic techniques such as coil building and pinch pots.